Rev. E. Dwayne Moore (Wayne) is excited to serve as the first Senior Pastor of Journey of Faith Wichita Falls.
Pastor Wayne has been in active ministry for over 30 years in positions ranging from church janitor to Senior Pastor. One of his philosophies follows the words of Moses to God in the book of Exodus: “If your presence doesn’t take the lead here, call this trip off right now.” (The Message).
Pastor Wayne is a staunch believer in servant leadership and in taking the message of Christ beyond the walls of the church building. He has a passion for reaching out to the homeless, and to those struggling with substance abuse addiction.
Pastor Wayne has ministered in word and music throughout the world, including Canada, England, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy, South Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania.
He is an award-winning singer and actor who loves teaching and sharing his craft when possible.